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What We Believe

This is a simple overview of what we believe. While the Bible is God’s word – our ultimate authority – we believe the London Baptist Confession of 1689 is a good summary of what the Bible teaches. If you would like to know more, we’d be happy to explain things in more detail.

Our Beliefs / Doctrine of Scripture

Our Beliefs / Doctrine of Scripture

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God made us to know Him. We went our own way, trying to live without God. This leads to never-ending punishment. Our good works cannot get us out of this mess. So God sent His Son to pay the penalty for our wrongs. Jesus died to absorb the punishment due to us. Trusting him to save us brings us new life. It gives us a sure hope of heaven. This is not earned, but freely given. We live thankful for God’s grace.



Believing followers of Jesus identify with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. They are immersed in water to say ‘I trust in Christ’s death. I rest in His finished work. I have begun a new life in Him.’ They are added to God’s people, the local church, which is made up of those who have trusted in Christ for themselves. Each local church follows Christ and lives according to His word, the Bible. They do not require hierarchy or political support to do this. Doing what the Bible says is enough.

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God calls us to live out our faith with His people. God’s family help and encourage us in following Christ. We learn, spend time, worship and pray together. We support one another in living by what Christ has taught, in the Bible.

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62 Logie Green Road

Edinburgh, Scotland

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Grace Edinburgh is a Registered Scottish Charity (SC048066), with CCL (2137334).

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